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How to Merge Duplicate Contacts
How to Merge Duplicate Contacts
Jeffrey avatar
Written by Jeffrey
Updated over a week ago

If you have noticed that there are contacts on your list that are duplicated, then this profile must have been created earlier this year. Fortunately, this has already been patched by the team and the only time that duplicates can be made is if the Operator/Dispatcher themselves who added the customer profile.

Here’s what you need to do to get started:

Step 1

Locate the duplicate accounts

Step 2

Select a profile you want to keep (we recommend choosing the profile that already has the credit card info on file, and has the most number of trips).

Step 3

Open the Reservations under the duplicate contact’s trip tab and click on Booking Contact. Select the updated booking contact to proceed.

Step 4

All done! You can now delete the duplicate contact by clicking on “Remove”

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