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Member Permissions

Allows members with an "Owner" role to customize which pages other members can access, enhancing security and operational control

Amir Ghorbani avatar
Written by Amir Ghorbani
Updated over a week ago


With the new Member Permissions feature, Moovs now allows "Owner" role members to customize which pages other members in their account can access. This helps in managing operational security and financial confidentiality by providing flexible permissions tailored to each member's responsibilities.

How to Manage Member Permissions

1. Accessing Member Permissions:

  • Owners can manage permissions by viewing a member's profile.

  • Click on the member's name to open their profile.

  • In the member's profile, select the "Permissions" tab.

3. Managing Permissions:

  • Each page within Moovs will have a toggle switch next to it.

  • Toggle On: The member will have access to that page.

  • Toggle Off: The member will not have access to the page.

Additional Notes

  • Owner Role: Only members with the "Owner" role can access and manage the Member Permissions section.

  • No Access Handling: Members who do not have access to a page will not see it in their navigation menu.

    • If member attempts to go directly to the page with the unique URL link, they will see this:

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