Connect your Google account to Moovs to have all your future trips on your Google Calendar!
Now when you install and authorize Google Calendar from Moovs, a calendar will be created on your behalf with all your trips and their details in it.
This will be a live calendar, meaning that all trips will be added right away and all updates to trips will be reflected right away. Making it easier for you, your drivers, and any IOs you work with to manage trips. How amazing is that?
How to connect your calendar?
Navigate to Moovs Market and "Install and Authorize" the Google Calendar App
Choose the account you want to authorize
After authorizing you will be able to see the calendar appear on your Google account under "My calendars"
*Please note that you will only be able to authorize one account and it can take up to 24 hours for the calendar creation process to complete.
How does the integration work?
Now that you've authorized your Google account, all future trips will populate your calendar.
This is a live calendar so trips will populate right away!
Any updates made to trips will also be reflected in your calendar invite. Moovs will block off either the estimated duration of the trip or the actual duration depending on if it is a transfer or an hourly trip.
How will my drivers be able to access the trips they're invited to?
Add an email to your driver's profile
Assign your driver to a trip
Once your driver accepts the trip they will be added to the calendar invite and receive an invitation
If you unassign a driver from a trip or you cancel or delete a trip the driver will get an email letting them know the event has been canceled
What information will be in the calendar invite?
The calendar invite will include the following information:
Title: Trip for [Passenger First Name Last Initial] with [vehicle name] ([Operator Name])
Location: Pick Up Location
Passenger Name and Phone Number
Driver Name and Phone Number
Vehicle Name
Drop off Location
Trip Conf No