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Navigating the App - Trips
Navigating the App - Trips
Written by Matthew Kenny
Updated over a week ago

The Trips Page within the Moovs white label passenger app is your contacts' central hub for managing their travel plans efficiently. Here, they can effortlessly access details of upcoming trips, review past quotes, request changes to reservations, or convert a quote into a confirmed reservation. Let's explore this section in detail to help you make the most of your travel experience.

1. Upcoming Trips

The Trips Page prominently displays your contacts' upcoming trips. Here's what you can expect to find:

  • Trip Details: Contacts can quickly access essential information about their upcoming journey, including the date, time, pickup and drop-off locations, and the selected vehicle type.

  • Quote Information: If you've sent a quote for the trip, it will be displayed here and in some cases (Moovs settings dependent) your contacts will be able to convert the quote to a reservation.

2. Past Quotes

As a part of your contacts' travel history, the Trips Page also allows them to review past quotes. These are helpful for tracking previous travel plans and comparing fares.

  • Review Quotes: Click on past quotes to see the details, including fare estimates and trip information.

The Trips Page is designed to make travel management as smooth and convenient as possible for your contacts. Whether you're planning an upcoming trip, revisiting past quotes, or fine-tuning your travel plans, the Trips Page provides all the tools needed.

The Moovs Passenger App aims to enhance your passenger experience though ease of trip management and review from within the App.

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